Myers Briggs helps us relate to others better

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a personality test which helps us to understand how we make decisions and perceive what is going on around us. It enables us to improve both working and personal relationships in a positive and constructive way. The Myers Briggs is a multiple-choice personality questionnaire which describes individuals as one of 16 personality types; it’s not an exam and there are no right or wrong types.
take the Myers Briggs online
You can take the genuine MBTI online and receive an hour of confidential telephone feedback – for £195 plus vat. The questionnaire takes about 20 minutes to complete. Please tell us which report you would prefer (see below) and be sure to provide contact details for your personalised feedback – we need your email address and telephone number for this.
choose the focus for your Myers-Briggs report
Myers Briggs helps explain
- why some people are energised by the company of others and yet others are more self-contained
- why some prefer working with detail rather than the “big picture”
- why some make decisions based on people implications while others are more detached
- why some people are more comfortable with structure and planning yet others prefer spontaneity and going with the flow
the MBTI can be used for
- improving individual and team performance
- developing leadership at every level of an organisation
- improving communication
- reducing workplace conflict
- nurturing and retaining top talent
- building effective teams
- career progression and transition
- managing stress
the MBTI describes preferences
The MBTI describes an individual’s set of preferences rather than traits, abilities or character. It achieves this by identifying preferences on each of the four dichotomies (pairs) described in the table below.
Extraversion | Introversion |
Prefers to draw energy from the outer world of activity, people and things. | Prefers to draw energy from the inner world of reflections, feelings and ideas. |
Sensing | Intuition |
Prefers to focus on information gained from the five senses and on practical applications. | Prefers to focus on patterns, connections and possible meanings. |
Thinking | Feeling |
Prefers to base decisions on logic and objective analysis of cause and effect. | Prefers to base decisions on a valuing process, considering what is important to people. |
Judging | Perceiving |
Likes a planned, organised approach to life, and prefers to have things decided. | Likes a flexible, spontaneous approach and prefers to keep options open. |
The various combinations of these preferences result in 16 personality types, each associated with a unique set of behaviours and values. Sometimes even the genuine Myers-Briggs personality test does not get your type quite right. This happens about 25% of the time and the results tend to vary on one axis (dichotomy). Even so, the difference between reported type and your actual (best fit) type can be quite marked. This is why gaining feedback from an experienced, accredited practitioner is so important.
the MBTI pedigree
After more than 50 years, the Myers Briggs instrument continues to be the most trusted and widely used assessment in the world for understanding individual differences and uncovering new ways to work and interact with others. More than 2 million MBTIs are administered annually.
why Nova Connection?
Association for Coaching
A wide range of coaching experience is recognised by membership of the Association for Coaching.
British Psychological Society
Our British Psychological Society accreditation enables is to draw on a variety of personality tests and ability tests in our coaching programs.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI and the MBTI logo are registered trade marks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust.